tregenna lodge showcase

Tasked by the project team at Tregenna Castle, I embarked on the creation of an in-depth walkthrough video and captivating photos for entry into the LABC Architecture Awards. Given the award’s focus on celebrating excellence in architecture, I approached the project with care, ensuring that every visual component adhered to the highest standards.

In my dedication to exceeding expectations, I deliberately opted to commence and conclude the video with captivating scenes of sunrise and sunset over the picturesque bay of St Ives. Though not integral to the brief, I felt this introduced a fitting narrative.

Limited by time constraints and the upcoming submission deadline, there was no opportunity for retakes, making accuracy on the first attempt was essential.  I, therefore, devoted significant time ensuring thorough preparation was taken for envisioned shot.  

In this project, I unveiled an innovative drone technique as I flew it through the window.

With editing expertise, I developed a narrative that conveyed the property’s essence, partly instrumental in Tregenna’s triumph in the regional LABC architecture award.

Carbis bay, june 2022

Other Projects

dbd digital

Let’s make something!


Carbis Bay, Cornwall


07885 407099
